Enhance Your Crystal PvP Experience Starting Today!

The ClickCrystals Project is a free and open-source Minecraft client modification that allows all-in-one features without you having to download a lot of mods.

While ClickCrystals mainly supports hotkeying, the concept has sparked debates amongst the crystal pvp community. Currently, the mod is banned on most servers, but is not flaggable by anticheat.

Introducing.... CCS!

ClickCrystalsScript (or CCS) is a custom scripting language used to create modules, macros, auto farms, hotkey binds, and much more through ClickCrystals.

With a custom syntax (which is really easy), you can createa .ccs file and start scripting! We have an editor that will let you build, debugs & execute scripts all in the same game window. We have many prebuilt scripts in our Discord ranging from simple click to swap to killauras

def module


def module greatest-module-ever
def description literal life hack

About Us

The ever-evolving world of Minecraft modding introduces ClickCrystals, a mod designed to reimagine the way players approach hot-keying within the game. While discussions about its implications spark debate, it’s important to dive deeper into the mod’s true essence and impact.

ClickCrystals seeks to address a common concern: the complexity of hot-keying in Minecraft. This mod aims to enhance the user experience by streamlining hotkey actions, offering ease and convenience without introducing unfair advantages. We are constantly emphasizing that the mod does not include built-in macros, placing a spotlight on its purpose as a tool to simplify gameplay mechanics.

The mod encourages users to explore its capabilities firsthand before making assumptions. It’s worth noting that several features initially accused of providing “unfair advantages” have been removed, demonstrating our commitment to refining the mod’s functionality and maintaining fair gameplay.

Our community plays a pivotal role in shaping the mod’s trajectory. All hotkey modules are set to remain, with any potential changes or removals subject to community voting. This approach ensures that the mod’s evolution remains aligned with the community’s needs and desires.


We were withheld, not banned. ClickCrystals project on Modrinth is withheld due to the presence of unfair advantages. ClickCrystals banned off Modrinth

Old versions of ClickCrystals had a feature called Discord RPC. This essentially displays your acitivies on discord presence. Because the API that we use only supports Linux and Windows, ClickCrystals had become incompatible with MacOS and Pojav.
Here's how you can solve this:

Get off Mac

  • Download the lastest version of ClickCrystals, we fixed the issue by removing the Discord RPC feature.
  • If you have enough money to afford a MacOS, with the same money you could buy a real computer 10x better. Apple is a scam and you should hop off.

Get a real PC

  • Why play Java on phone? It's incompatible with a lot of mods!

In around May of 2023, our mod ClickCrystals, developed by ImproperIssues (aka ItziSpyder), has been stolen by a person with the alias of L0rax or Niksa_. This person proceeded to inject malicious code that grabs your Microsoft account, Skyblock information, and IP then sends them to a Discord webhook. L0rax has commited identity theft and advertised ClickCrystals as his own mod on CurseForge. Luckily, after a few months of fighting, the duplicate mod was taken down and the webhook was nuked and destroyed. 7 months later, we have decided that the situation on CurseForge has calmed down enough for us to reupload our mod to the site. Please refrain from downloading ClickCrystals from any link other than the ones provided in the downloads Tab up top of the page. Do not accept random files from strangers or websites that you do not trust.

ClickCrystals script is an in-game custom module maker. The script allows you to create custom modules similarly in a way you would create datapacks.

Click on the download Tab on top of this screen.

Short answer, no. Long answer, it is not a cheat. It does not automate any task, for every action the mod preforms, you have to click or interact with something. The definition of macro is doing a task without the player inputting anything. This is false. Unless a player creates a macro with ClickCrystals script, the mod itself does not provide any unfair advantages.

While we believe ClickCrystals doesn't provide any unfair game advantages, the world does not. Servers WILL ban you if they find out you are using this mod. Best way to prevent this from happening is to not get screenshared. We have provided multiple approaches to this:

  • The mod does not flag anticheat
  • The mod looks like normal gameplay in third person view
  • The mod, unless errors and stacktraces, has its own custom log file seperate from the vanilla one; can be easily deleted

If you still possess older versions of ClickCrystals, you may have heard of the command !cc -users. This command was once added as a fun easter egg, which has later caused a disaster leading to its removal in later versions. Servers can use this to force ban you, be sure to update your version!

Apostrophe key. If you don't know what it is, you're a third grader that shouldn't be play games and should be studying instead. Apostrophe key